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Africa possesses some of the most diverse cultures, wildlife, people and landscapes on earth. Though often tainted by negative imagery, the beauty of Africa persists through it all.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson

[Also used by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speech]

Africa and its people around the world are powerful beyond measure. In the face of colonisation and slavery, we prevailed. The darkness of poverty and drought does not engulf our light. Our unrelenting force to exist, survive and live has seen us overcome great odds at home and abroad. We might fear but let's use it to fuel our rise from the darkness left by corruption, war, slavery and colonisation into the brilliant light of order, peace, equity and true independence. 


To inspire African pride & promote positive African narratives to the world.

By utilising specifically designed digital and non-digital initiatives, POSITIVE Africa & African imagery can be normalised globally. Such initiatives will be directed at Africans and non-Africans alike to encourage pride and education about Africa, respectively. The creation of mobile applications, promotional Instagram profiles and others are just a few of the many initiatives that have been and will be made to see our vision realised. 


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About Dopefrica

To inspire African pride & promote positive African narratives to the world by celebrating Africa & Africans.

© DOPEFRICA  LTD 2023. Created in the United Kingdom for Africa

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